level 3 in games design unit 20 computer game platform and technology
Gaming Machines
Arcade Machines
Arcade Machines are the old school version of the Xbox 1 and the PS4 and it actually came out a long long time before these new consoles did.
the first coin operated video game was Galaxy Game and it was made in 1971 at Stanford university in September. galaxy game cost 1 quarter as it was made in America and it was a quarter for 3 games the game then with the machine cost $20,000 back then but now its inflation cost $115,000 which is a bit of a increase in price . Though this was the first game ever made for arcade machines the first commercially successful coin operated video game was the classic game "Pong" which was released in 1972 and it sold around 35,000 units. after pong all of the company's well 15 of them started making video games like PAC Man and space invaders and Donkey Kong and all the classics.
games consoles are very different to arcade machines as arcade machines can only function one working game or rarely even two games while games console now a days can play as any games as you want no at once but there are a unlimited amount of games for the new consoles and there are still loads more being developed. the first functional games console that was made was in 1967 with "The Brown Box " with the games of pong and volleyball and chase games and a light gun game. then in 1977 Atari introduced the world to the first joystick that was compatible with a games console with the Atari 2600. travelling to 1978 and games consoles was looking very strange a prime example of this is the Coleco Telstar Arcade (1978) then in 1983 the games company SEGA decided to make there first game console called SEGA SG 1000 followed by the game company Nintendo making there first console of the Nintendo entertainment system which was a revolutionary console for Nintendo. the most common consoles now are the play-stations and the Xboxes which started in 1994 with the very first instalment from Sony with the Playstation 1 with classic games like Crash Bandicoot and Tom Clancy's rainbow six. and then in 2000 they made a second addition called the Playstation 2 with great games like Battlefront 2 and resident evil. finally Xbox came in with the Xbox in 2001 which started the battle with Sony and Xbox which to be honest Sony was winning until Xbox in 2005 made the Xbox 360 which took over Sony's Playstation in my opinion. now in 2016 you have the next gen consoles of Xbox 1 and PS4 and now they are both very even in the terms of better console.
The amount of time i have heard people who play PC who have called them The Master Race and as much as i hate them for it i can kind off see where they are coming from. the benefits of a PC is that you can do a lot more than you can do with a games console as they have their limits but to be fair to a PC you can change the limits and you can improve the game play of a video game massively by buying a better graphics card which improves the graphics of a PC as the processor of a computer cannot contain 3D files like photos and games which is where the graphics card comes in which is made to produce 3D quality so all the games that PC players play they all need a decent graphics card to even think about playing good games. The first main graphics card in my opinion was the
Monochrome Display Adaptor which was made in 1981 and it didn't actually produce 3D quality so some people wouldn't call it a Graphics card but it still let the monitor produce videos so it still did something. OK so the main graphics card that actually did make produce 3D functions is iSBX 275 which was the first graphics card to produce game functions on the PC which was in the times of gaming in the 1980s so it was quite revolutionary. now we have graphics cards like the Nvidia Ge Force 1080. GTX graphics cards harness the power of groundbreaking gaming technology including GPU Boost, to deliver outstanding performance. GTX delivers the most intense performance and broad feature set for users who demand the very best. Play the latest games at blistering frame rates with extreme special effects. as a conclusion the limitations of the PC world back then was making 3D images and content. now the limitations of PC is well unlimited if you have the right amount of money. i guess in a sense a limitation is money because being able to play video games on pc is very expensive
FIRST MOBILE GAME - TETRIS Tetris appeared as the first mobile game in 1994 aboard the Hagenuk MT-2000, a phone designed and manufactured in Denmark by the Hagenuk corporation. Tetris is the wildly popular video game based on rapidly stacking tetranomial shapes. three years later Nokia in December 1997 created the worldly known Snake which is a game where you start off as a little snake and you gradually eat food to grow your snake but you are not aloud to touch the walls or yourself. this game revolutionised Nokia so much that Nokia actually installed the game on every Nokia phone they made. now a days the main competitors for mobile gaming are made from Apple and Android. there are a massive variety of games like fps and platformers and now they are in development on making Super Mario Brothers from the Nintendo Wii on to the mobile phone. the limitations on the mobile phone is mainly it does not have enough storage and memory to hold good quality games on there phone so you wont be seeing call of duty any time soon on your phone. also the ways that you interact with the phone back then you only had a d pad of up, down, left and right . but now you have a touch screen so you can ave more variety of games to play
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