Tuesday 8 November 2016

Big Trouble in Little China Town assignment

Unit 74: Computer Game Story Development
Assessment 1 : Big Trouble in little China story elements 

In this assignment i will be writing  a Report about the elements of a story within the film and answer the following questions.

 Is Big Trouble in little China story elements originate from  a film or is it  from a book? 
 The story of big trouble in china town was originated from a small script about a cowboy named Jack Burton that was made in 1899 and the film used it and adapted it into the film but there have been comic books that have been taken from the film. The elements of the film of big trouble in little china town was actually inspiration  for 4 volumes of comic books and the comics have used this as bases for a start (volume 1 ) and a middle (volume 2,3) and a end (volume 4) the film starts with the introduction of Jack Burton and all the characters in the film and him and his friend (sub character) Wang goes to gets Wang's fiance Mao yin, the second volume is them getting to the airport and finding out that the china town gang has stolen wangs fiance and jack and Wang go to china town to try and get her back. volume 3 is continuing on from that and it starts at the white tiger when jack Burton and Wang get captured and learn about David Lo Pan and the three storms after which they learn that David Lo Pan wants Mao yin because of her green eyes as he made a deal with the devil and he needs to marry a woman with green eyes. 

Who are the main characters
Image result for Jack Burton and Wang          Jack Burton is the main character and the main hero of the film as he thinks that he is amazing at fighting but in reality he is actually always on his back and it is Wang that does all the fighting for Jack but Jack always gets the credit  and the film is based mainly on him.

     Wang is the Sidekick of the film as he is Jack Burton's friend and the reason he is the sidekick is because he helps Jack Burton to save Gracie and Mao Yin but is not  as involved in the film as much yes he does all the fighting for jack but it is mainly just fighting thugs or gang members when as Jack always fights the main people like Thunder and Lo Pan.

Image result for Lo Pan Lo Pan is the main villain in this film as he is the one who kidnaps Mao yin to marry her and then kidnaps Gracie as well which Jack eventually saves and then Lo Pan and Mr Egg Chen have a battle of magic and then Jack kills Lo Pan. 

       Sub characters

Image result for Gracie big trouble
Image result for Gracie big trouble      Gracie is a Sub Character as she does not make a appearance till mid way through the start of the film and is kind off a Sub damsel in distress as Mao Yin is the main damsel in distress But then Gracie gets kidnapped as well and is really part of Jacks plot more than the actual Film.

Image result for egg chen     

Egg Shen is a Sub Character because tho he starts the film it is him telling the story of Jack Burton and and he does help them near the end of the film but without him Jack and Wang would never have been able to save Mao Yin and Gracie.

Image result for the three stormsThe three storms ( Thunder, Rain, Lightning ) They disguise themselves as executives working on Lo-Pan's facade company. They are, respectively, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, and all of them possess control over certain parts of the weather .They are fought numerous times throughout the movie by the heroes Jack Burton and Wang Chi. Rain is the first to die, in a sword fight against Wang during Lo-Pan's wedding ceremony. Thunder commits suicide after Lo-Pan is killed by Jack, inflating into a large blob and exploding. Lightning is killed during the heroes escape, as he pursues them they drop a large statue on him.

Finally Mao Yin is a Sub Character because she is the damsel in distress or at least one of them and she is not really involved in the film but she is a main part of it as she is the goal of the movie which is to save her form David Lo Pan.  
Image result for Mao Yin big trouble    


The theme of “Big problem in little China town” is a fantasy action film which focuses on mainly Chinese martial arts and magic 

Plot/Motivation/ Emotional theme 
Image result for jack burtons truck

The plot of the main story is that jack and Wang have to save Mao yin and stop Lo Pan from ruling the universe. But the main story for Jack is that all he wants is his money from Wang and then also he wants his truck back, many people would think that he wanted the girl Gracie as well but he didn’t care about her. On the other hand there is the plot of Wang which is he must save his fiance Mao Yin from the evil Lo Pan. Lo Pans motivation is to try and marry Mao Yin as she is the only woman to have green eyes until meets Gracie and then kidnaps her to marry them both and sacrifice them to his god so he can become mortal again.

Relationships between the characters 

The relationship between the the characters are that Wang and Jack Burton are old friends and the reason they are together in the film is because Wang owes Jack £1,140 and Wang has to go to the airport first and then everything happens. also the other reason that Jack Burton stays is because the gang that stole Mao yin also stole Jack Burton's truck. also Gracie and jack Burton's relationship is that they have a fling in the film and the film cleverly makes you think that the film will end with them two being together but in fact jack dosent care about Gracie as all he cares about is his money and his truck. 
Image result for Jack Burton and gracie

The Story Beginning/Middle/End  

Starts with Mr Chen’s uterine asking Mr Chen about if he believes in magic and Mr Chen convinces him by making electricity come out of his hands.  After this it shows the main character Jack Burton and his old Chinese friend Wang playing cards and betting money and jack wins all the money. Afterwards Wang makes a bet for £1,140 and says he can chop a bottle in half. He does not and now Wang owes jack money but Wang must got to the airport first to pick a girl named Mao yin. When they get their gang from china comes in a takes Mao yin away and kidnaps her. So Jack and Wang chase the gang to china town where we cut on Mr Chen who a simple bus tour guide driver is showing the tourists around china town.  Then we cut to Jack and Wang in an alley way where jack and Wang are stopped by a group of peaceful martial artists on a memorial walk with a coffin. Little does Jack and Wang know that the martial artist enemies people in black clothing are about to challenge them to a Chinese standoff. After a giant battle the battle is stopped by what appears to be three wizards in giant sombreros known as the three storms. Wang and Jack get chased by the gang but get away. They find out that Wang’s fiance is Mao Yin and they have taken her to the white tiger to sell her for high prices.

Jack goes to the white tiger looking for Mao Yin to buy her back for Wang but gets attacked by one of the three storms whose name is apparently David Lo pan who takes Mao Yin before Jack can get to her. After wards jack and Wang go to the three storms lair to get Mao yin back. Unfortunately it does not work as they get captured by David Lo Pan who is an old man in a wheelchair who needs Mao Yin to become young again. After jack and Wang escape from David Lo Pan they go out to find the others who has been kidnapped by the gang. They get their friends and they get the girls who have been captured previously as well and then they run towards for the exit and as they run to the bus that Mr Chen has parked outside Gracie get captured by a monster in a secret door. As jack and Wang are escaping they realise that Gracie has been kidnapped so they get ready with more people to go back and save her. Lo Pan tells Gracie that she has kidnapped Mao Yin to marry her and become young again and now has captured Gracie because she also has green eyes and he plans to marry both woman if they survive the burning blade which they did.

Wang and Jack both make it to Lo pan's lair and they find out that the wedding is about to begin. They come to a stop when they find one of Lo Pan's body guards who has about ten eyes and whatever it sees then Lo Pan sees. They infiltrate the wedding and attack Lo Pan before he uses the needle of love to stab Mao Yin and become flesh. They stop this and jack Burton wait till he is mortal and then throws a knife at him misses then Lo Pan throws it back and then Jack catches it and then throws again and hits Lo Pan in the head and kills him. One of the three storms finds Lo Pan is dead and explodes out of anger. They escape the lair and the bad guys and they go back to Mr Wang’s restaurant and jack leaves everyone now he has got his truck back, which was all he wanted. As jack Burton is driving his truck back home we find
the monster that was supposedly dead is actually alive and has got onto jacks truck and then the film ends

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