Level 3 in Games development
Computer game platforms and technology Unit 20
My first ever games console was the Game boy Advanced which was released in March in 2001 and i had gotten it for my birthday the next year in 2002 on the 16th of May and it was Amazing. it was like this big blue machine in my hands that just was so cool and back in them times was the first ever hand held game device and it was mind blowing. since it had been a year loads of games came out for the game boy but the one game that i had that was by far the best was Metroid fusion which was made in February 2003 and it was so fun. it was a platformer but also a shooter game and this game really got me into gaming and it has made me so interested in how we have evolved in the gaming industries and how kids these days takes it for granted.
Alot has changed since 2002 and a lot of games consoles has been created like the Nintendo DS and the 3DS and the PC has improved massively so i have been influenced by a lot of games consoles so i unfortunately do not play the Game boy Advanced i now play the PS4 (play-station 4 ) which is just mind blowing. the graphics are now running at 1080p (1080 pixels ) and every game you get on the PlayStation 4 are just beautiful and inspiring . the PlayStation 4 has actually inspired me to do level 3 in games development because i want to learn how to make the video games that i have loved as a kid all the way up to now so i can carry on the legacy of Gaming.

The resolution is how many lines, dots or pixels that the device can produce. the game boy advance isn't really a high resolution games console with a resolution at 240x160 which is not very good at all compared to the games consoles that we have now with the Playstation 4 has which has a resolution of 1080p with 60 frames per second which is amazing and Godly compared to the Gameboy advance.
Computer game platforms and technology Unit 20
in this blog i will be comparing the differences to the old consoles like the Game boy Advanced and the NES ( Nintendo Entertainment System ) compared to the newer consoles like the XBOX 1 and the PS4 ( Playstation 4 ).


Game format
the formats between the Gameboy advance and the Playstation 4 are very different to each other but it just proves how much technology has improved since 2001. the Gameboy game format was little cartridges that you would place into the bottom of the hand held console but the annoying thing was that they would get really dusty so you would always have to blow into the cartridges and at the bottom of the Gameboy device to get it working again. on the other hand there is the PS4
( Playstation 4) which is not compatible with game cartridges instead they use disks and you just place it into the system and it will run all the data off the disk.
Controller Type
the Gameboy advance technically dose not have a controller on the system because the controls are on the system with the A and B buttons on the right side of the system and the D-pad and then the classic L and R at the back of the system. but the PS4 has wired or wireless controller which ever you prefer with the buttons on the controller the classic A and B buttons with a added Y and X and then it has two analogue sticks and the the classic L and R button with the added L2 and R2 at the back of the controller
Internet /WiFi
the Gameboy advance dose not have WiFi or internet on it because gaming was not that far developed yet but the PS4 is the complete opposite of that. everyone usually who has a PS4 uses online or internet to play with other people around the world of with there friends.
the sound on the Gameboy was that you could only hear what was coming out of the speaker at the back of the device.But the PS4 has the capability to have speakers connect to it by blue tooth obviously you can have it through the TV and there is even sound in the controller which is awesome.
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